The ZIGBEE ERL developed by GOOBIE is part of a complete system allowing the remote and real-time metering of electricity consumption. This information is transmitted to a server via a 2.4 GHz ZIGBEE Radio interface. Technical specifications: Radio range: 50 m – 100 m depending on model Proprietary protocol or to be adapted -2.4 GHz […]

Electric Snowbike control

Electric Snowbike: The electronic board is used to control the various parts of the electric snowbike. It also has a cellular communication interface (4G), an engine CAN interface, GNSS, WiFI and BT. Board Features: NORDIC nRF52840 or ESPRESSIF ESP32 type microcontroller, integrating µC and Bluetooth SPI FLASH 6-axis sensor, accelerometers and gyroscopes CAN interface Built-in […]

Industrial Machine – Steam Cleaning

Industrial Machine – Steam Cleaning Set of Boards for Industrial Steam Cleaning Machine. Technical specifications: CPU card: STM32, 4G QUECTEL, I/Os Power board: Control of motors, pumps, boilers, sensor levels, etc. LED board  

SmartPlug for controlling energy consumption

SmartPlug for controlling energy consumption SmartPlug for device control. Load shedding application, renewable energy. Technical specifications: ESP32 processor, for embedded application and WiFi link Insulation Relay control Mains supply 230V AC

IoT Gateway

IoT Gateway:  This IoT gateway is used to control the regulation of heating and air conditioning in places such as hotel rooms, offices, etc. The gateway is available in several versions: Single gateway Gateway with sensor Gateway with touch screen Gateway Features: i.Mx6 UL Silabs microcontroller + Z-Wave + Zigbee WiFi GSM 4G Quectel Ethernet, […]

Z-Wave Thermometer

Z-Wave Thermometer Sensor for detecting the presence of a person approaching the product, measuring the distance of the person, measuring their body temperature, and transmitting the corresponding information to a gateway. It is used to control, for example, access to premises within places hosting the public (hotel rooms, offices, etc.). Sensor Features: Analysis of the […]

Pet Tracker

Pet Tracker Tracker – Geolocation system for pets Technical specifications: GNSS Tracker for Small Animals Cellular communication GPRS, LTE, NB-IoT Quectel BG600 – BG77 and L76 Wi-Fi, BLE ESP32 Battery CE compliant  

Smart Energy (ERL)

Smart Energy Electricity The Smart Energy Electricity product is part of a complete system allowing the remote and real-time collection of electricity consumption information. This information is transmitted to a central server via an 868 MHz radio interface. Technical specifications : Wireless range: 300m 868MHz proprietary protocol AES-128 encryption Radio interface based on ST SPIRIT […]