Grains – counting vehicles for parking


What is it?

It is a system of wireless and autonomous sensors (grains) which allows to locate in real time the parking places free to guide the motorists towards it. Concretely, sensors of reinforced plastic are placed on the ground at the parking places and will detect the presence of a vehicle or not thanks to the variation of the earth’s magnetic field.


parksense parking [La Start Up française de la Semaine] : Smart Grains
This system can be easily deployed in the car park of a department store or airport, etc. In this case, each aisle of the car park is provided with a signage indicating in real time the number of remaining seats in it.





Grains - comptage véhicules pour parking

Technical description of grain:Grains - comptage véhicules pour parking2

  • 2.4 GHz Radio Communication, Mesh Network
  • TI MSP430 Processor
  • Magnetic sensor
  • Very low power consumption
  • Mechanical specially hardened and waterproof, anti-intrusion
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